
What does the pursuit of happiness movie
What does the pursuit of happiness movie

what does the pursuit of happiness movie

The shot cuts to Captain America on the pavement, receding into smallness as the bus pulls away. Christopher doesn’t make a fuss, but his smooshed up little face reveals his despair. And then one afternoon while running for the bus, he drops his favorite toy. But though he wants badly to trust his father, to believe that their current homelessness is just temporary, it’s getting harder by the day. Christopher (Jaden Christopher Syre Smith) has been hanging on by threads to his five-year-old dignity and hope. Of the many sad scenes in The Pursuit of Happyness, the saddest might be when Captain America is left behind. –Will Smith, Sharon Waxman, “No Robots, No Aliens and No Safety Net” ( New York Times 5 November 2006)

what does the pursuit of happiness movie

Chris was equally impoverished as these people, but he never had the poverty of ideas. And it washed over me that the greatest poverty is the poverty of ideas. It was because Wayne does not want to pay his owes to Chris, and the effect, make Chris and his son have to be homeless because there is no money at all.We were just standing out there in this place of broken dreams.

what does the pursuit of happiness movie

So, in a competitive internship at Dean Witter Chris just wear one shoe, (6) Social conflict between Chris Gardner and Wayne. It was because Chris sprinting across San Fransisco streets, and the effect, he lost his shoe.


It was because Chris could not pay the apartment rent, and the effect, he and his son leave their apartment and have to be homeless, living on the streets of San Fransisco, (5) Social conflict between Chris Gardner and the driver who hits him. (4) Social conflict between Chris Gardner and Charlie. It was because Chris can not pay traffic ticket letter, and the effect, Chris Gardner in his interview at Dean Witter go to it wearing ratty jeans and a white t-shirt. It was because Chris did not pay the taxi fare, and the effect, Chris lost his bone density scanner because his scanner is trapped on the other side of the door US train, and Chris drops it to ignore the cabbie, (3) Social conflict between Chris Gardner and cops. It was caused by financial problems, and the effect, Linda left Chris and his son to New York, (2) Social conflict between Chris Gardner and the cabbie. The result of this study showed that social conflicts found in The Pursuit of Happyness film were: (1) Social conflict between Chris and his wife, Linda. The data collection was derived from dialogues that were related to main character social conflict of the film. The object of this study was the main character in The Pursuit of Happyness film.

what does the pursuit of happiness movie

The approach in this study was objective approach. This study used qualitative design because the writer focused on collecting data in form of words rather than numbers. In detail, the purpose of this study are: (1) to investigate the social conflicts faced by Chris Gardner as a main character in film The Pursuit of Happyness, (2) to find out the causes of Chris Gardner's social conflicts in film The Pursuit of Happyness, (3) to find out the effects of Chris Gardner's social conflicts on his life in film The Pursuit of Happyness. Therefore, the writer is interested in analyzing the social conflicts faced by the main character in this film. The Pursuit of Happyness film tells about the struggle of main character from nobody to somebody. Jiptummpp-gdl-nilatrisep-42642-1-pendahul-n.pdfįilm is media of literary work that give us information, knowledge, and entertainment to the audience.

What does the pursuit of happiness movie